Become a Partner

We Make it Easy to Grow Your Practice

Join Our Network

Grow your practice and earn steady income when you partner with TransGlobalSystems. We're looking for innovative business attorneys across the United States who have a passion for helping small businesses.

Why You Should Work With TransGlobalSystems

Income for Your FirmMore time
Grow Your Practice
More Time

Steady, Reliable
Income for Your Firm

Build Your Practice with
Long-Term Clients

Spend More Time
Practicing Law

Build a book of business from clients who need legal guidance and custom-drafted documents.

You'll establish long-term relationships with clients who need real legal work.

With TransGlobalSystems, you can focus your time on serving your clients. Our dedicated support team is ready to help.

Two Ways to Partner With TransGlobalSystems

TransGlobalSystems Attorneys

TransGlobalSystems attorneys are the primary point of contact with our small business clients. They work to solve their legal needs on a regular basis.

Local Attorney Directory

Our Local Attorney Directory is a resource for clients who have specialized legal needs that fall outside the scope of their membership.

Apply Now

If you're a small business attorney who's open to innovative ways to solve client needs, we'd love to hear from you.

Please note the following eligibility requirements:

  • Minimum 5 years practicing law
  • Good standing with the State Bar
  • Adequate insurance coverage
  • No State Bar complaints